Ava the Adventurous Astronaut

story for kids english - Ava the Adventurous Astronaut

A Bedtime Story for Kids about “Ava the Adventurous Astronaut” As the day comes to close and young eyelids grow heavy, there is no better way to usher in a night of restful slumber than with a comforting bedtime story. Between these pages, you’ll find a treasury of tales specifically crafted to delight and soothe restless little minds before sleep. From enchanted forests filled with playful fairies to fantastical journeys across the cosmos, these stories will carry your child’s imagination to wondrous new realms as they prepare to dream. With characters to love like brave princesses, silly dragons, and magical talking animals, as well as important lessons about friendship, acceptance, and growth, each whimsical tale provides the perfect mix of entertainment and heart. So come along as we explore lands near and far, always returning back home to drift gently off to sleep. Turn the page to begin our adventures, but be warned: delightful dreams await those who join us on these imaginative journeys just before bedtime!

10 Tips for Reading Online Stories to Children

  1. Preview stories before you read and choose age-appropriate tales that match kids’ interests. Look for engaging characters, plots that build curiosity, and vibrant illustrations.
  2. For young readers, pick stories with rhyme, repetition, and opportunities to predict what happens next. These qualities all support early literacy skills.
  3. Download stories in advance so you can read smoothly without WiFi glitches. Save them in a dedicated kid story folder for quick access.
  4. Project stories on the largest screen available and zoom in on illustrations so children can see details. Laptops, tablets, and smart boards all work well.
  5. Change character voices and use props to act out dialogue. Ham it up just like you would with print books! Costumes and puppets also bring stories to life.
  6. Occasionally pause to ask questions about what’s happening and why. Speculate on what will happen next. This builds critical thinking skills.
  7. Define new words using kid-friendly comparisons like “iridescent means shiny like a butterfly wing.” Making connections cements new vocabulary.
  8. Establish free time afterward to discuss stories. Conversational recall promotes comprehension and bonds with you.
  9. For wiggly kids, read while swinging or pacing to discharge excess energy. Singing songs also resets attention spans.
  10. Most importantly, share your delight! Laugh, gasp, and empathize together. Your modeling teaches kids to engage deeply with stories.
story for kids english - Ava the Adventurous Astronaut

Ava was a young girl with big dreams of becoming an astronaut.

Every night,

She would gaze up at the starry sky and imagine herself blasting off to outer space.

Ava knew everything there was to know about rockets, planets, asteroids and more.

Her room was filled with space books and glow-in-the-dark solar systems on the walls.

On her 10th birthday, 

Ava woke up to a beautiful sunny day.

She rushed downstairs where her parents greeted her with a surprise

they were taking her on a trip to the famous Cosmic Space Center!

Ava was over the moon.

At the space center,

She saw real rockets,

crawled through simulation space capsules, 

and even got to experience zero gravity in the special simulator room.

At the end of the day,

Ava got to meet Valentina,

a real astronaut.

Valentina told Ava about her thrilling adventures in space.

Ava asked, 

“What does it feel like to do a spacewalk?”

Valentina described the magical feeling of floating untethered in space with Earth glowing below.

Ava’s eyes lit up with joy.

She knew someday she would experience that feeling herself.

On the drive home,

Ava told her parents “When I grow up I’m going to be the greatest astronaut who ever lived!”

But Ava didn’t want to wait till she grew up.

As soon as they got home,

Ava ran to the backyard with her space helmet and cardboard rocket ship. 

“Mission Control, this is Ava the Astronaut ready for takeoff!” she shouted.

Using her imagination,

Ava blasted off through the clouds,

soared past planets and neared a bright red asteroid. 

She pretended to spacewalk and collect space samples just like Valentina. 


an alien appeared outside her rocket!

“Greetings, Earthling!” it said.

Ava beamed, 

“Hello alien friend! Let’s explore the galaxy together.”

As Ava’s rocket whizzed by comets and constellations,

she and the alien became fast friends. 

They talked about life on other planets while munching on moon cheese and Mars rocks. 

Before long,

it was time for Ava to return home.

As she floated back into her backyard,

she waved goodbye to the alien, 

promising to meet again soon.

Climbing out of her cardboard rocket,

Ava skipped happily inside for dinner. 

She excitedly told her parents all about the adventures she took to space that day. 

Though it was just pretend, 

Ava knew that one day, 

with hard work and determination,

she could turn her space dreams into reality.

But for now, 

she couldn’t wait for tomorrow’s mission!

-The end.-

Read our other stories: here . . .

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